comfort,careerMobility: CNA+DeepakCM #carefree says

“The biggest enemy of career mobility is comfort … Comfort leads us to false security and we stop seeking growth, both in skills and mindset agility. I see all the time, even amongst very successful senior business people, that the ones who struggle with career advancement, are the ones whose worlds have become narrow – they engage mainly with people from their industry or expertise area, and their thinking about how their skills or experience might be transferable can be surprisingly superficial.”

The comfort-zone danger … resonates with Deepak and me.

— My take:

The author cast a negative light on comfort-zone, but comfort is generally a good thing. Whereas, admittedly, those individuals (as described) pay a price for their comfort-zones, there are 10 times more people who desire that level of comfort, however imperfect this comfort is.

Comfort for the masses means livelihood. For me, comfort has the additional meaning of carefree.

Whereas the author’s focus is maximum advancement, not wasting one’s potential i.e. FOLB and endless greed, our goal is long-term income security (including job security [1]). This goal is kinda holy grail for IT professionals.  Comfort as described in CNA is temporary, not robust enough. Therefore, I see three “states of comfort in livelihood”

  • Level 1 — no comfort. Most people are in this state. Struggling to make ends meet, or unbearable commute or workload (my GS experience)
  • Level 2 — short (or medium) term comfort, is the subject of the CNA quote.  Definition of “short-term” is subjective. Some may feel 10Y comfort is still temporary. Buddhists would recognize the impermanence in the scheme.
  • Level 3 — long-term comfort in livelihood. Paradoxically, a contingency contractor can achieve this state of livelihood security if he can, at any time, easily find a decent job, like YH etc. I told Deepak that on Wall St, (thanks to dump luck) Java provides a source of long-term comfort and livelihood security. Detachment needed!

[1] income security is mostly job security. Fewer than 1% of the population can achieve income security without job security. These lucky individuals basically have financial freedom. But do take into account (imported) inflation, medical, housing, unexpected longevity,,

Deepak pointed out a type of Level-2 comfort — professional women whose main source of meaning, duty, joy is the kids they bring up. For them, even with income instability, the kids can provide comfort for many years.

Deepak pointed out a special form of Level-3 carefree comfort — technical writers. They can have a job till their 80’s. Very low but stable demand. Very little competition. Relatively low income.

Deepak felt a key instability in the IT career is technology evolution (“churn” in my lingo), which threatens to derail any long-term comfort. I said the “change of the guard” can be very gradual.

— Coming back to the carefree concept. I feel blessed with my current carefree state of comfort. Probably temporary, but pretty rare.

Many would point to my tech learning, and challenge me — Is that carefree or slavery to the Churn? Well, I have found my niche, my sweet spot, my forte, my 夹缝, with some moat, some churn-resistance.

Crucially, what others perceive as constant learning driven by survival instinct, is now my livelong hobby that keeps my brain active. Positive stress in a carefree life.

The “very successful senior business people”, i.e. high-flyers, are unlikely to be carefree, given the heavy responsibilities. Another threat is the limelight, the competition for power , glory and riches. In contrast, my contractor position is not nearly as desirable, enviable, similar to the technical writers Deepak pointed out.

automation scripts for short-term GTD

Background — automation scripts have higher values in some areas than others

  1. portable GTD
    • Automation scripts often use bash, git, SQL, gradle, python/perl… similar to other portable GTD skills like instrumentation know-how
  2. long-term local (non-portable) GTD
  3. short-term local (non-portable) GTD

However, for now let’s focus on short-term local GTD. Automation scripts are controversial in this respect. They take up lots of time but offer some measurable payoff

  • they could consolidate localSys knowledge .. thick -> thin
  • They can serve as “executable-documentation”, verified on every execution.
  • They reduce errors and codify operational best practices.
  • They speed up repeated tasks. This last benefit is often overrated. In rare contexts, a task is so repetitive that we get tired and have to slow down.

— strength — Automation scripts is my competitive strength, even though I’m not the strongest.

— respect – Automation scripts often earn respect and start a virtuous cycle

— engagement honeymoon — I often experience rare engagement

— Absorbency — sometimes I get absorbed, though the actual value-add is questionable .. we need to keep in mind the 3 levels of value-add listed above.

old-timers trapped ] pressure-cooker #Davis

See also G3 survival capabilities #health;burn rate

update: old timers are safe in some teams like MLP, but not in MS.

Q: Why are so many old timers unable to get out of a shitty job in a pressure-cooker company?

  • A small number of old timers change job but some of them regret as new job turns out worse. Other old timers hear those war-stories and prefer the certainty of known pain in the current job. They don’t feel confident they can find a better job.
  • bench time — Many old timers can’t afford bench time due to low reserve and high burn rate.
    • Old timers tend to be very unused to unstable income.
    • Damien (Macq) relied on his bonus payout..
    • Some had no savings at all.
  • Most old timers won’t even consider a 6M contract.
  • Most old timers will never consider a voluntary pay cut to get a more comfortable job
  • golden handshake — Some old timers (UBS?) can’t let go of the promised compensation package. They would not resign and give up on a 100k promised windfall
  • some old timers worry about job loss so much that they work their ass off to keep the job, even if the workload is unreasonable/unfair. I think in GS I was like them. I have a friend in a similar situation. I think the boss wants to let him go but may feel merciful, so they keep him but give him shitty tasks and demand fast turnaround at good quality…. unreasonable/unfair workload.
  • Some old timers may have a wife who completely opposes job change due to potential impact on family.

Q: why XR and I can afford to quit a job, stay home, and find a lower job?
A: Supportive wife, burn rate, passive income and savings.

Sunday night: if in the mood4localSys

Realistic scenario — I find myself in the mood for localSys learning on a Sunday night 11pm.

I think it’s better to sleep in office than to go home, but in Singapore, I had better go home and sleep, by taking taxi.

I think it’s better to work on the localSys till 2am (or later). Those 3 hours are precious engagement … Burning pleasure. I don’t get such 3-hour engagements in a week.

I used to feel “why not work on my QQ or coding practice now, and focus on work Monday morning?” It turns out that I’m usually less motivated on Monday morning, for whatever reasons.

Friday night is similar. I often find my highest appetite and absorbency on Friday nights (or eve of public holidays). So better go home late, sleep, then come back to office Saturday early morning to capture the mood.

big_gun + laser_gun on localSys

I like the imagery of laser gun and big gun

Backdrop — My brain power vs the brain power baked into the local system.

My laser focus is a blaster-gun that can break down the stonewall of opacity in the local system. This laser-gun doesn’t require “independence” but IFF I become independent early on, then I can make use of my weekend quiet hours and apply my laser. My weekend quiet hours are a real big gun in the local competition among the team members [1].

However, my quiet hours tend to get spent on research rather than localSys. See office-hour productivity#1 distraction==research 

I could also have an engagement honeymoon.

[1] My advantages and weaknesses are fairly obvious when compared to my colleagues.

Many of my peers seem to have that laser gun more often I had.

  • ==== my victorious war stories were mostly in brown field arenas. In each case I needed the same sustained focus for a few months
  • +ve xp: PWM error memos
  • xp: PWM AICE
  • +ve xp: RTS
  • -ve xp: at mvea I was not independent.
  • -ve xp of CSDoctor, but I won’t spend too much time on hearsay war stories.

## delights]tsn: engaged,leverage

Sugg — I think we can try and develop a powerful habit to focus on the delights in our memory. Such a perception would help us focus on the delights in the current “struggle”.

The delight should NOT be related to anything “strategic “(mirage) My expectation was invariably way too high in terms of strategic value, leverage and ROTI, therefore underwhelming. These expectations were crushed by job market demand fluctuations.

In terms of engagement … my expectation was slight high.

Against this backdrop, there have been little delights, but stigma/respect (not salary!) was too huge as a factor and has overshadowed those little delights. For a perspective, please look at the spreadsheet “predict next 3-5Y job satisfaction”

I chose a python job at Macq .. engaged for a few months, to my delight.

I chose the c++ job at RTS .. engaged for 6 months, to my delight.

  • Reason: interviews — traction in interviews and also in GTD and zbs
  • Reason: interviews — socket QQ and linux system QQ .. was in-demand
  • Reason: QQ discussions with colleagues .. visible progress

Both job decisions produced good/superior leverage over 3-5Y.

I chose a c# job … engaged for a year and then disengaged, shorter than expected. Leverage was good.

I chose a Quant dev job … engaged for a year and never disengaged. Leverage was underwhelming.

I chose a c++ large scale eq OMS job … engaged for a few months. Leverage is unknown

c#^ java+cpp journeys

my c# xx journey was exciting for 6M Before OC and in first year in OC. In contrast, my c++/coreJava (less for jxee) journeys have generated superior ROTI (elusive) because 1. the interview topics are stable 2. market waves steered me to stick to (not abandon) these career directions leverage? c# is lower but not bad. See separate blogpost — in terms of my expectations

  • java – exceeding my expectations in churn. Found 2nd life in web2.0.
  • c# – missed my expectations. Displaced in web2.0. Google CIV uses 5 anguages, without c#
  • c++ – matching my expectation. slow decline. Efficiency advantage is eclipsed by java and some new languages
  • py – exceeding my expectation
  • javascript – exceeding expectation

For all languages, there is no salary hike, no strategic value so at that level all underwhelming  

##conquests since GS #j,c++..

Until I left GS, I didn’t know how it feels to “conquer” a sizable, lucrative tech skill. Such a tech skill represents a specific job market with supply and demand.

  • perl? not sizable not lucrative 😦 Until 2011, Perl was my only core competency 😦 How lucky am I now !
  • coreJava QQ (as defined on WallSt) .. was my first conquest. After this conquest I haven been trying to replicate my success story, while many peers stayed in one firm in order to move up.
  • SQL? Many interview topics not explored, but now SQL is no longer a sizable job market:(
  • MOM? Not sizable
  • sockets? not so sizable, not yet conquered
  • bond math … was a small conquest
  • c++ QQ .. was my 2nd conquest, as experienced in 2017 onward
  • CIV .. was my 3rd conquest. Growing bigger, though I only rate myself B among west coast candidates.

##spare time: what peers do to “get ahead”

Exec Summary — for all of us, strategic orgro, ROTI etc is … holy grail … elusive. My wife/in-laws often say “You spend so much family time on your studies but are you earning more?” Translating personal endeavor to income is holy grail .. frustrating..

I believe many professionals don’t have the abilities to convert spare time to tangible personal growth.

Tangibility is defined by each individual, and requires a high degree of self-knowledge.

  • investment analysis (Kun.h, XR)? I doubt any of them has any ROTI
  • deeper in java for higher pay or promotion? Higher pay is basically hopeless for many of us who are already at the higher end. GTD depends more on localSys. Promotion has no correlation with deeper java knowledge.
  • coding drill
  • tsn like mobile, data science (XR), java (Sunil)
  • personal investment
  • formal education in spare time like CFA, MBA
  • Stephen Keith was able to write academic papers in his spare time .. very rare

In this realistic analysis, my c++/c#/quant/swing attempts now look commendable.


web2.0[def] IV need no j/c++insight..our t-investment lost#500w

I attended a few technical interviews at web2.0 [1] type of companies over the years — google, amazon, VMWare … and recently Indeed, Facebook and some well-known Chinese tech shops.

These Interviewers never asked about java/c++ language details or data structures (as implemented in standard libraries), or Linux+compiler system knowledge. ( I know many of these shops do use java or c++ as firm-wide primary language.) They do require data structure knowledge in any language you choose.

My conclusion from these experiences — if we compete for these jobs, we can’t rely on the prior interview experiences gained from all the financial-domain tech interviews. Wall St vs West Coast are too different, so much so that Wall St essential tech knowledge is not useful for west coast interviews.. We have to leave that wealth of knowledge behind when we start on a new journey (to the West) of learning, trying (trying our luck at various interviews), failing and retrying.

Michael Jordan once quit NBA and tried his hand at professional baseball. I see ourselves as experienced basketball players trying baseball. Our interview skills, interview practice, in-depth knowledge of crucial interview topics have no value when we compete in west-coast interviews.

West cost shops mostly rely on algo interviews. You can use any (real) language. The most common are java/c++/python. You just need a tiny subset of the language knowledge to compete effectively in these coding tests. In contrast, financial firms quiz us on much wider and deeper knowledge of java/c++/c#/Linux etc.

Q: What if a west-coast candidate were to try the financial tech jobs like ibanks or hedge funds etc? I think they are likely to fail on those knowledge tests. I think it would take more than a year for them to acquire the obscure knowledge required at high-end financial tech jobs. In contrast, it takes months to practice a few hundreds leetcode problems. You can decide for yourself which side is more /impenetrable/ — Wall St or West Coast.

Ironically, neither the west-coast algo skill nor the financial tech obscure knowledge is needed in any real project. All of these high-end employers on both coasts invent artificial screening criteria to identify “cream of the crop”. What’s the correlation of on-the-job performance to a candidate’s algo skill and obscure knowledge? I would say zero correlation once we remove the intelligence/diligence factors. In other words, algo skill or obscure knowledge are poor predictors of job performance, but intelligence/diligence are good predictors.

In the bigger picture, these tech job markets are as f**ked up as decades ago, not improving, not worsening. As long as there are big salaries in these jobs, deep-pocketed employers will continue to use their artificial screening criteria. We have to play by their rules, or get out of the way.

— [1] web2.0 defined

I call them “web2.0” shops — second wave, second generation of Internet tech powerhouses.

Some of them are focused on cloud, AI, bigData, but usually with a deep integration, heavy reliance on the Internet ecosystem.

One day, I may apply to a new-age tech shop not related to the Internet, but the tech questions are the same. Therefore, I may have to keep my definition of web2.0 fluid and vague.

competitive strengthS offer different$values #speedCod`/math

— update:

if you are fast at coding, your skill is easily recognized and valued! Depth of market
if you are good at cooking, your skill is easily recognized. Depth of market
if you are good at stock or FX trading?
if you are good at gadgets? Better get hired at a profitable firm
if you are good at GUI design?
if you are great at sports? Very few can make it to the professional league
if you are great at writing (Bo Rong?)
if you are great at music instruments or Singing?
If you are great at drawing?
if you are great at public speaking? Very few can make a living
if you are great at teaching kids? Singapore private tution centers would be good


  • competitive strength in speed coding contest — such contest are now more prevalent and the skills are more valued
  • competitive strength in dStruct/algo beyond the classics
  • competitive strength in core cpp QQ
  • competitive strength in core java QQ — bigger job market than cpp
  • competitive strength in socket QQ
  • competitive strength in SQL QQ (and perl GTD) — better than swing
  • competitive strength in math before college level — huge and long-term impact
  • competence in localSys — no long-term impacts, so Ashish’s t-investment is unwise
  • improvement in yoga and fitness

In each “competitive” case, you build up competitive strength over H years but may lose it in K (could be long) years. Each strength has very different long-term impacts and long-term value, not “zero” (transient) as we sometimes perceived them to be.

Any Valuable resources (including a lucrative job) are scarce and invites competition. A competitive strength (in any one of these domains) has long term impact on my health, mental aging, stress level, my job choices, my commute, amount of annual leave.

For a concrete comparison, let’s compare speed coding vs math. In school, math is far more valuable. It enhances your physics, chemistry, economics… There are many math competitions at various levels.  After we turn 30, math, in the form of logical and number-theory quizzes, still plays a small part in some job interviews. However, speed coding strength (am building) now has such an appreciating value on the high-end competitive interview scene.  Over the next 10Y, speed coding will have far more impact on those aspects listed earlier.

However, if you want to invest in building such a strength, beware of huge disappointments. You can say every woman’s natural beauty has imperfections when you see that woman everyday. This is because our idea of perfect beauty is based on paintings and photos, not live humans. Similarly, every endeavor’s ROTI has imperfections compared to our naive, idealized concepts.

If you look for imperfections you will always find some, but such fixation on imperfections is cynical, demoralizing and unproductive research.

We need to zoom into our own strategic strengths + long term interests such as low-level, theoretical stuff, pure algo, dstruct, and avoid our weaknesses.

  • low level or theoretical QQ — my strength
  • low level investigation using tools + codebase — my weakness
  • picking up new GTD challenges — my relative weakness but I did well before joining Wall St.
  • picking up new IV topic — my relative strength

[17]%%agile advantages: b aggressive

  • healthy job market
  • advantage: short commute. Job not too demanding. Plenty of time available for self-study
  • advantage: I can work day and night to get things done
  • advantage: I’m not aiming for a promotion, so I can try many interviews
  • advantage: my quant credentials and zbs is probably top tier among techies
  • advantage: domain nlg
  • advantage: health and stamina
  • advantage? data analysis aptitude
  • advantage: I have Singapore + java as safety net –> risk capacity.
  • advantage: am open to relocation
  • advantage: am open to short term contracts
  • advantage: am open to pay cuts
  • advantage: no family.
  • advantage: c++/c# in addition to java
  • advantage: above-average SQL, Unix, python/perl/bash

If I hit $220k as a contractor, my self-image and self-esteem would improve. I would feel confident, no longer inferior. In fact, I would feel better than the managers since I don’t rely on that one employer.

many IV failures before 1st success #c++/HFT/CIV

  • i had so many failures at c++ interviews before I started passing. Now I look like a c++ rock star to some
  • I had so many failures at HFT interviews before I started passing at DRW, SIG, Tower
  • I had so many failures at remote speed coding before I started passing.

With west-coast type of companies including nsdq, I can see my rise in ranking. If I try 10 more times the chance of further progress is more than 70%.

I /may never/ become a rock star in these west coast CIVs but I see my potential as a dark horse in 1) white-board CIV, 2) pure-algo

“May never” means “may not happen” … Scott Meyers

[18] ##spend more$ to prolong engagement+absorbency

  • increase spend on good mobile data and mobile devices to capture the creativity, absorbency …
  • increase spend on printer
  • increase spend on hotel stay near office (or taxi home) to capture the engagement on localSys
  • spend on flights to gain family time, engaged
  • spend unpaid leave to attend interviews .. to gain joy, motivation, engagement, precious insight into their selection priority

Not so sure about …

  • Regrettable — spent unpaid leave before starting Macq job .. to gain peaceful family time? low ROI
  • questionable spend (gave up higher pay rate) to gain … c++ skills like QQ, GTD, zbs

exposure:=semi-automatic(shallow)Accu #$valuable contexx

Opening eg — In RTS team, granted I didn’t get deep[2] socket experience or latency /engineering/ experience, but over the years semi-automatically I would get some valuable exposures, by raising good questions about .. sockets; reliable order-book replication; error recovery; throughput engineering…

eg — in mvea team, I can get some valuable exposures to FIX; large scale and reliable equity OMS; low-latency (caching); order routing; automatic hedging; partial fills; limit orders; order cancels/amends; busts… Even if I don’t get deep experience on this job, my resume could claim genuine experience! Strategic positioning … (shallow) Accumulation

eg — in citi-muni, I got exposure to mkt-making; event-driven limit order repricing; PnL roll-up; mark-to-market; swing; JMS; Gemfire…

Key points about the “pattern”:

  • thanks to the strategic contexx, you get to accumulate (semi)automatically
  • robust commercial value in the skill
  • shallow [2] accumulation — I call it “exposure”, enough to impress some interviewers.
  • [1] small amount of effort — much lower than GTD, getting a job/certificate, losing weight
  • consistent effort ..

However, as the years go by, many developers stop digging with questions and others ignore the opportunities to dig into the difficult codebase because … they don’t have to:(. The automatic learning is a valuable option if you put in some legwork [1]. In contrast, some jobs don’t offer much automatic learning —

  • OC team: not so mainstream. I could still learn some WCF; reliable windows servers;
  • Qz team: poor portability. I could still learn some curve building; ticking risk;

[2] In contrast, here are examples of “deep” experience (hopefully serving as a protective entry barrier ) —

  1. from-scratch (95G) wait/notify solution
  2. from-scratch (95G) sybase stored proc to manage inventory in the face of competing orders
  3. home-prj order book replication in 2 coding interviews — Jump + iRage
  4. home-prj FIX client/server
  5. home-prj swing GUI to auto-update a table viewer


most(new/old)specializations turn out non-strategic

Look at my past vindicative specializations vs 

The Singapore government make technology bets. Venture capitalist make bets. Many organizations also make technology bets.. Every technology bet can lose or win.

In this post, I’m not advocating trySomethingNew. I am advocating specialization, which often requires accumulation and sticking to something not so new, like FIX, threading, SQL, sockets, bond math, …


## past vindicative specializations

see also — For the “domains nlg” (first 5 rows), marketable_domain_xp spreadsheet is more comprehensive but not necessarily more updated.

Quant and other Unsuccessful diversifications aren’t the focus here, but are listed below the table.

 scales 0-5 mkt value
given my
entry barrier accu achieved %%expertise
among peers@WS
tsn: determination
I was
wage ROI val4IV
mktData #socket  4 growing not everyone has xp  2~3 2 #few worked
2  5 some 2
bondMath  2 robust math is not natural
to most dev
 2  3 1 #spare time++  3 some 2
orderBook, OMS,
 3-4 robust medium 1 #cod`IV 1 3 #CVA sacrificed  3 none
forex #sg 2 robust medium 1 1 0 #spare time 1 none
c++  5 ok not
higher than
I thought
 5 #critical mass  3 5 #huge sacrifice  2 minimal
coding drill  5 Growing high 4 #XR disagrees  3 2 #spare time  5 none 4
python  4~3 growing low  2  3 #unknown 1  4 none
bash scripting +
unix #devops
 2 robust medium  4  3 0  3 none 1
threading xLang 5 growing high  4 #critical mass  5 0 4 some 5
(abstract?) xLang

collection internals

5 unexpected
the deeper
the harder
 4 #critical mass  4 0 4 some 5
RDBMS 3 shrinking low  4 #critical mass  4 0 #spare time 1 #under-
[00-06] web dev 1 sustained
high growth
low  5 #critical mass  3 0 3 none

–algo practice for IV
^ good amount of accumulation
^ my confidence is boosted esp. in c++
^ I’m rising to the challenge of coding test growing popular

^ boosts my IV confidence
▼no critical mass yet
▼low traction
▼don’t know my expertise relative to peers

–option domain knowledge including BS:
▼ much lower demand than bond math

— C# and XAML
^ Microsoft is a major force
▼not aligned to my current direction

^ was my Achilles heel, now slowly gaining confidence

–C++ GTD and IV
^ I made real progress in 1) GTD and 2) IV but not during Mac days — wrong job nature
^ deepens my java understanding
▼ those high paying domains (HFT, quant) are too hard to break into

–MOM architecture, products…
▼falling out of favor
▼ not as widespread as I perceived. Probably used in finance and legacy systems

–javascript, php, mysql
▼not aligned to my direction

▼ market too fragmented

–EJB, Spring, Hibernate
▼falling out of favor

j4 stick2c++: Score big{losing@quant/c#

See also vindicative specializations , what if I transition to desk quant role but don’t rise up@@ and j4 c#: hind sight

I already give up several “investments”. If I take a java job, I would again forgo so many years of investment in c++. Now after I got more c++ offers, I feel /triumphant/vindicative/.

swing py c# quant 2010~13 quant af 2013 c/c++  (Zoom out …)
 $0 $0  $0 S$70k $ invested
 $0 $0 S$5k/Y  $0 $1k/Y cf
nonQuant job
up to USD20k/Y pretax opportunity cost
6M 2Y since barc 2Y  1Y 3Y 6Y since 1998 nominal effort
3M 4M 1Y  6M 2.5Y 4Y serious effort incl. STS
3M 2M 1M  2M 2Y 2Y spare time sacrificed(STS)
-2 -3 -6  -5 #more than py -15 -16 points invested
Barx passed some IVs OC, Bbg, Reuters 95G/OC Stirt/Mac/CVA ~18 offers job “offers”
Trex,bbg.. DRW; Nomura; Mako; Trex; Pimco analytics too many help interviews
helps my WPF xx value@algo IV deepens java nlg brain teasers; math cfd; contrarian insight into bigData/quantTrading; see y re-enter c++ other ROTI
2 more than
3 #built real
professional xp
more than invested 9 #50%+ more than invested points SCORED
 no loss? no loss -3 no loss -7 no loss net points lost

##[17] 4 tech career growth directions #aggressive

In spite of the threats and pains, I remain hopeful about my technical growth. Ideally, I hope to

  1. maintain competitiveness in java. Consider body-building
  2. selectively build up my c++ IV competitiveness, in terms of QQ/BP/ECT, from 6 to 7, over 2 years
    1. sockets, concurrency, sharedMem, templates ..
  3. try to recover the /sunk cost/ in quant domain
  4. slowly branch out to data analytics or data science

[1 java] feels achievable, based on my recent interviews. [4 data] is secondary and nice to have, not a must at age 43, so [2 cpp] is my main drive.

The interviews are crucial. Without IV, I can improve my GTD or zbs but painfully slow improvement of IV competitiveness.

Q: Suppose we don’t know java. Based on our c++ IV performance, can we survive as a c++ developer?
A: I will survive. My family needs me.

quant^HFT^WestCoast, again

After I felt fairly established on Wall St (around 2011), I looked for greener pastures:

  1. quant dev
  2. HFT
  3. high-end positions in the west coast. Not sure what positions exactly — mobile? machine learning? cloud?
  4. regular Wall St c++  job

In fact my java jobs on Wall St is not that inferior, and has the advantage of reachability. In contrast, those greener pastures still look rather distant. They look closer when I’m in a positive mood. But let’s put on the black hat and be critical and skeptical:

Quant dev is low-churn but demand is kinda shrinking.

HFT is rather niche skillset, possibly less relevant to west coast than java and regular c++.

1) 2) 3) are mostly FTE, not contracts. Regular c++ is contract-friendly and more reachable.

I used to feel the quant domain is hardest. Now I feel it’s shrinking. Now I feel I’m in much better shape. I made the decision to focus on quant early, assuming I could self-study and break into HFT later.

Data science? Math is much easier than quant finance, and I have some training in it.

C++? I now have more hands-on experience

##[18] Algo problem solving as hobby@@

  • how does this compare to board game?
  • how does this compare to jigsaw puzzles
  • how does this compare to small mobile app development as a hobby?
    • small mobile game development
  • how does this compare to photography as a hobby?
  • how does this compare to blogging as a hobby
  • how does this compare with DIY home improvement
    • woodwork
  • how does this compare to auto tuning and bike building
  • how does this compare with hi-fi tuning

Every one of them is better than TV, gaming, sight-seeing or drinking. Each one requires consistent effort, sustained focus. Each one will become more frustrating less exciting before you reach the next level.

personal advantages for trying west coast

See also

  1. Advantage: no kids with me. Easier to adjust
  2. Advantage: no house yet. Easier to move
  3. strength: algo interviews
  4. strength: I could be good at optimizing, research, scalability — natural not artificial complexities
  5. strength: attention to details — more valued in product companies than on Wall St
  6. Advantage: web technology is probably easier than c++
  7. strength: I’m a calculated risk taker

##high complexity high mkt-value specializations

Opening example 1: Quartz — High complexity. Zero market value as the deep insight gained is decidedly local and won’t make you a stronger developer on another team.

Opening example 2: IDE, Maven, git, Unix + shell scripting — modest complexity; Makes me stronger developer in real projects, but no premium on the labor market.

My best experiences on Wall St — tech skills with high market value + complexity high enough that few developers could master it. On a project involving these I get better lifestyle, lower stress… Examples:

  • threading
  • java collections
  • SQL complex queries + stored proc. Declining demand in high-end jobs?
  • SQL tuning
  • MOM-based, high volume system implementation — reasonable complexity and market value, but not mainstream. Mostly used in trading only 😦
  • pricing math — high market value but too specialized 😦
  • trading algorithms, price distribution, … Specialized 😦

Let’s look at a few other tech skills:

  • c++ build automation — modest complexity; low value
  • c++ low latency — high value;  barrier too high for me 😦
  • java reflection, serialization — high complexity high practical value, but market value is questionable 😦
  • .NET — some part can be high complexity, but demand is a bit lower than 2011 😦
  • Java tuning — high complexity; not high value practically
  • python — modest complexity, growing market value
  • PHP — lower complexity and lower market value than py, IMHO

##most used(GTD+)Generic know-how4WallSt developers

#1 java — the ecosystem
#2 c/c++ — not yet my chosen direction
#3 dotnet including c#, WCF, remoting, windows debugging …
#4 py — purely automation in most places(easy instrumentation); advanced py systems in a few places

# unix power user tools – including scripting, instrumentation… More widespread but depth is seldom required compared to SQL and python. More well-defined as a tech skill than windows dev.

# SQL/stored proc — losing pole position in low latency and big data environments, still dominant in traditional apps

# Excel add-in and automation

# javascript

IV^GTD – grow as techie@WS

I want to grow stronger/broader/versatile as a survivor, not necessarily grow my value-add. Actually I don’t have to grow.
— IV skills – Compared to GTD skills, these skills give me more confidence, more protection, more stress-relief. It works in big job markets like Wall St.

Lots of theory, which is my sweet spot.
Selective on what IV topics to learn!
coding IV + algo — favored by SiV
— (portable) GTD skills
Lots of tools….
Selective on what GTD topics to learn!

Needed for a lead developer, but such a role is stressful. I guess some good lead developers are also good at IV, but I’m not sure and I assume I’ll not be good at both.

Warning – a lot of projects don’t provide real GTD enrichment. Eg: Quartz, tibrv wrappers, Gemfire wrappers, FIX wrappers
Macquarie environment lets me learn lots of GTD skills.
OC gave me IV (c#) and GTD enrichment.
Stirt – none!

A java environment would give me some additional GTD enrichment but less IV enrichment

In SG, I continued my previous strategy, learning IV skills + GTD skills. Not effective so far. I feel my c# IV skills improved a lot but still not there. C++ IV skills didn’t improve much partly due to distractions.


coblood – each year you worked

master -> jobjob


Each year that you spent on some job,


you earn, most important of all, some cash to keep the family financially safe.

** you also earn something to plow back. Look at my UChicago experience…

you earn some experience, insight, and hopefully some zbs, but most of it will not be relevant in future jobs

you earn/build some track record that helps maintain marketability.

you either speed up or slow down brain aging

you incur stress

you incur sacrifice of family time and exercise time


positioning yourself for the next tide#Avi, SunLin…

Background: Avichal pointed out ..”knowledge”. To excel in any domain we need mileage, valuable insight, non-trivial experience, and accumulation — non-trivial and doesn’t happen naturally. I have observed it with SQL, Java, Python, threading, trading system design …
Every job change presents an opportunity to reposition yourself. Bear in mind very few jobs put you right at the forefront. Positioning means incremental accu of relevant (often peripheral) knowledge. That’s probably the realistic way to assemble the jigsaw pieces.
You are unlikely to be given an architect role, but look at AOC!

##[13]strategic(5Y+) investment in tech xx

custom wait/notify framework?

Q3: Out of so many tech topics, what can I invest now? In 5 years when I look back, what kind of learning today would prove strategic? What would give me the long-term confidence, the non-trivial long-term competitive edge [1], the sense of long-term employ-ability and long term market value, the long-term buoyant demand. What tech skills are churn-resistant?

[1] “competence” or zbs is less relevant — when competing for a role our potential on-the-job competence is evaluated only through tech quizzes. I have witnessed countless competent developers showing lack of theoretical knowledge in tech quizzes. You can complete 3 WCF projects with barely 1% of WCF knowledge — #1 reality in developer knowledge. Wizards like Venkat and the Swedish hacker in can get many tricky things done in no time, but their theoretical knowledge (not wizardry) is what matters on job market.

Q5: Looking back at my last 7 years (after those 3 years of self-employment), which specific acquired skills have proven strategic?

A key factor is getting into Wall St. Without entering Wall St, my “world view” would be completely different.

Fundamentally, the boat we are in is unstable. Technology Churn. Competition from young Indian guys. Unlike medical doctors, the older guys lose market value. Any in-demand skill may fall out of favor in 10 years. I doubt I can pick some skill to invest, which will provide an iron rice bowl till age 55. Most of my prognosis would be uncertain, but some are less uncertain than others.

Less uncertain — As I age, salary and job security are becoming more important than glamour, buzzwords… but I want to remain relevant.
Less uncertain — better to keep the focus on interview topics not on-the-job GTD skills including localSys. Real world problem solving skills (untested in IV) are less market-strategic
Less uncertain — shelf live is longer in the US, so pay attention to US style IV
Less uncertain — diminishing return on additional investment in java or SQL
Less uncertain — c++ xx has paid off in numerous job interviews.
Less uncertain — knowledge of “major” languages offers better shelf-life and value than scripting but python might buck the trend.
Less uncertain — what gives me self-confidence in any tech is not GTD experience, but successful IV experience. Many know SQL for a long time but fail non-trivial IV questions.
Uncertain — better stand ready to accept and embrace relocation
Uncertain — get closer to trading and decision making
Uncertain — c++ will hold its ground for 10Y
uncertain — continue to identify and invest in the non-trivial, somewhat niche technical skills with high market value. Avoid mainstream stuff like ASP or web technology.
Uncertain — java may not maintain its dominance, though it has so far
Uncertain — financial centers may or may not continue outsourcing

A5: (loosely ranked) threading, collections, STL, smart pointers, memory management, socket, linux, SQL, sort/search algo
A5: the non-trivial experience applying comp sci constructs to real problems such as my custom wait/notify framework in BAML. This is one of the few successful and innovative designs
A5: big outer-joins experience in GS
A5: dnlg – 3 types
A5: not sure at this moment —  other boost libraries, python, ajax, FIX

A3: learning more java ecosystem (like frameworks, messaging…) has diminishing returns
A3:  More c#  zbs may not help, but more interviews will.
A3: More c++ zbs may not help, but more interviews will.

moving a bit up the pyramid in a trading desk

In each trading desk, there are very few decision-making roles and a large number of supporting roles, including IT[1]. Pyramid — The closer to the top, the more valuable you become. For an IT guy, the route to those valuable roles is sometimes non-obvious. For this discussion, i will assume you don't want to become trader. If you also don't want to become an IT manager, then consider a quant role.

There are several factors …

The field must have sufficient profit to fund large “valuation” systems (VaR, quote pricing, marking…). If it's a small desk, then system is less likely to be complex.

In terms of inherent complexity, option > IRS > futures and cash; FI > others.

Risk is more quantitative than pre-trade pricing. Risk includes marking and real-time risk, but the most complex is simulation-based VaR. Business allocate enough time and resources to prepare an elaborate risk risk analysis.

When you first enter a field that's 60% (on an arbitrary scale) quantitative compared to an earlier 40%, you may not notice you are slowly shifting up on the pyramid. But when you develop your quantitative track record over the years you might move further away from IT and closer to business i.e. profit center. Your value-add may increases slowly or signficantly. When you are still very much in IT, you may still feel you are a replaceable supporting staff but someday, without warning, you become part of the “inner circle”.

[1] Decision-making roles including market-risk. If desk head has enough confidence in the market-risk analysis, then risk managers can significantly affect (intervene/curtail/rein-in) trader actions. In some buy-side/sell-side trading desks, the chief does pretty much nothing except watching risk numbers.

who moved my cheese #extend pre-retirement

I read it 5 years ago. A powerful metaphor for our long term survival as individuals, as a profession (say software engineers), as a company, or as a nation…

When our cheese disappears, too often we try so hard to understand the “who” but (as the book author hinted) maybe we need not… Instead, we could focus on how to better identify long term trends and threats, how to strengthen our long term competitiveness, how to adapt ourselves to changing (and challenging) landscapes…

Some of the cheese-disappearances I perceive —
* Wall St big bonuses — disappearing
* Wall St big base salaries — investment banking business decline, or seismic changes eroding their profitability. High profit margin is (IMO) the key reason for the high salary.
* inequality of Wall St vs Main St, and the unfair advantage of “high finance” over other communities
* non-threaded programming — multi-processor machines and slow displacement of traditional programming
* sybase, weblogic/websphere, solaris  — more open source solutions adopted in finance such as mysql, jboss ..
* IT contractor as a profession — will they disappear?
* Aged-55 or older programmers — will they disappear as in Asia?
* comfortable retirement at age 60 — I fear more people will be forced to work till older age, because the traditional source of retirement income is under threat and becoming unreliable.
* onshore IT jobs in finance — even more of these jobs moving offshore?
* dominance of US dollar
* Singapore's geographical advantage as a transit port
* java as a language — in some areas, java is losing pole position
* SQL as a language — I see more alternatives like SecDB, google BigTable, NoSQL, gemfire/tangosol. They don't completely replace SQL but eclipse its dominance. In one of my projects, a in-house xml document store is the main data store. SQL was not selected as a solution.

If we think hard about cheese-disappearances, we may realize some things somehow won't disappear. Perhaps the WHY isn't the only thing important. I do think it's good to seek patterns.
= option mathematics — still underlying the pricing, risk-management and trading of most derivative instruments
= derivatives — some people predict derivatives trading will decline and shrink
= c/c++
= SQL — yes SQL again. This language has withstood so much competition and criticsm but remains dominant so far.

marathon – strengthen your(GTD+)lead in the pack#sg high-end

Y Lin pointed out those high-end jobs tend require specialized skills. I now feel concurrency is an example, in addition to —

latency – c++ is the default for extreme latency
latency – sockets
latency – market data
latency – java?
dnlg – math — better entry barrier, closer to business.
dnlg – jargons in FX, Rates…
dnlg – arch

real projects are completed in lowly tools like sql, java, C, scripts, but interviewers need to see much much more than those.

portable value-adding xp]financial systems

Q: Suppose a developer X works shorter hours and on the peripheral, and Developer Y works longer hours, and in the core modules of a complex financial system, and they join another finance company after 2 years. Does Y bring more value to the new team? Suppose both are smart, ambitious developers.
A1: Yes for a hands-off architect role. The intimate knowledge of the previous system are relevant and somehow “portable”.

(For the rest of this email, let’s assume it’s a developer role.)

A2: Yes if X’s projects are really, really peripheral, like database clean-up, wrapper scripts, high-level testing without touching java/c#/SQL source code.

Now suppose X does touch source code. Many trading systems have core components as non-web components, so if X only works on the web layer, then I would be worried. Similarly, if X only works on some nice-to-have reporting module, without any exposure to the core business logic in the system, I’d be worried too.

Actually a business intelligence module can have complex SQL logic and also technically challenging if data volume is huge. A complex SQL join often defines relationships between tables, so whoever writing the join knows that business logic. Now suppose the tables joined are the important tables (like positions, trades, prices, risk, volatility, model parameters) in a financial system, then that business logic is rather critical. In short, there are important value-adding work as well as a ton of unimportant work in the BI space.
Another role to avoid (for a hardcore developer like me) is non-developer roles like trading floor support or BA. I feel they know quite a bit about trader’s world, and also the IT world, but they don’t see the link between the 2 i.e. the implementation.

A3: the level of value-add depends on asset class. For equities (including eq-derivative) front-office trading, volume and latency are a real challenge, so pure generic technical experience might be valuable even without domain knowledge. I was told FX and Treasuries trading are similar. Note middle office and back office equities trading is said to be less demanding, so technical expertise is probably less valued. If our original question is about a high speed eq trading system, Y probably gets more exposure to the technical challenges.

##extend lead over non-trading developers

(context — IV, not performance) When you compete for trading jobs in SG, you must show convincing value-add otherwise why should they pick you rather than some regular java guy in SG with 15 years xp?

— ranked in terms of entry barrier

  1. * c++
  2. * WPF? i think in a growing number of cases, a java guy can help out on the front end
  3. * socket, TCP/IP, FIX
  4. * analytics
  5. * low latency
  6. * distributed cache
  7. * swing — few java guys do swing but swing is fading
  8. * db tuning
  9. * threading,
  10. * java memory management
  11. * MOM — RV, MQ
  12. * biz jargons — they buy it
  13. * serialization
  14. * CEP??

##differentiation ] a commodity skill market

Problem: java used in finance is becoming a commodity skill. In fact, any software skill tends to spread very quickly (esp. to the very young developers). What are the exceptions and what are the differentiations we can build up, differentiations that are recognizable by hiring managers?

  • Differentiation: c++, c#, python, perl
  • Differentiation: DB tuning. Most developers don’t face this challenge.
  • Differentiation: jvm tuning including GC
  • Differentiation: practical java performance problem-solving. Compare — I had the opportunity to deal with large DB.
  • differentiation: low latency
  • Differentiation: swing – has unique paradigm and  challenges liks EDT, models, layout … that the regular java developer won’t face

Exception: googlers and facebook developers are probably used to deal with large volume and higher performance. Outside developers face no such challenge.

Exception: Oracle employees probably know their own db much better so few developers can match their skill.

hard-to-replace talent in finIT: tech^dnlg^mgmt@@ #GS

What’s valuable and hard to replace in financial IT? Is it

1) technical know-how or
2) management skill or
3) domain knowledge?

I feel managers usually earn more salary. The more hands-off, the more salary. Problem is the political skill required, which I don’t have. Leadership is a combination of technical, domain knowledge and ….what I call people skill.

Technical and domain knowledge is real “knowledge”. These are like history or geography knowledge — if you know it, then everyone agrees you know it. If you don’t know it, you can’t pretend for too long (like Emperor’s new dress). As you can sense, I’m a big fan of tech and domain knowledge.

In GS, tech know-how is considered easily replaced. Find a fast learner. Throw him into the water and he becomes an expert in 6 – 12 months. I took 1.5 years. In other I-banks, tech know-how helps you keep your job. If you are the only system expert then employer won’t touch you.

In GS (my department) , 2) and 3) make a valuable combination. They feel such a person is hard to find. If necessary they would keep such a “manager” and replace all the hands-on developers under him. They believe this manager can then train up a new crop of developers.

financial jargon would set u apart from someone new


You once “said” something like — the domain knowledge is a thin layer of additional knowledge between a finance and a non-finance app developer. Here are some jargon terms I recently came across. They can take a lot of learning effort.

* interest rate swap
* fund of funds vs direct hedge funds
* private equity
* market making
* secondary market vs primary market
* loan syndicate
* side pockets
* broker vs dealer
* dark pools
* how market data is distributed (RV)
* how traders hedge using different bonds
* haircut
* execution fee
* revenue transfer
* General Ledger posting
* acrual

* mark to market
* daily P/L roll-up across trading accounts, across trading desks, across divisions
* bid/ask spread
* commission and bid/ask spread
* floating coupon
* yield curve (technically aka “term structure”) — how is it constructed
* the trio relationship among yield, price and coupon rate
* how yield and price are closely linked
* spot rate and forward rate
* time value of money
* bond duration, dv01, convexity
* libor rate and fed fund rate
* taxable vs non taxable bonds
* why is muni more popular compared to treasuries and corporate bonds
* callable and put-able bonds, yield-to-worst, yield-to-best
* sinking fund, prepayment
* settlement and clearing
* swaption on municipal bonds

specialize – to stand out, really@@

In an ever expanding /pool/ of software developers, how do you stand out? Like any technical field (including realtor, dancer, violin-maker and violin-player, photographer…), a proven route is specialization.

Compared to US developers, I feel Singapore young developers generally shun technical specialization. For the Singapore job market, you could specialize in

financial math
python, perl, shell scripting,
complex queries and query tuning


[09] trading domain knowledge – math^jargon

Q: how does a trader decide at what price to buy and sell a security, and at what quantity? How does she hedge?

Note in margin trading, sometimes you have to close out a position at a loss, in order to limit further losses. Also Note an algorithm trading system executes hundreds and hundreds of trades a day.

This is the type of trading domain knowledge a java developer can’t acquire in 6 months. Remember we both felt that most domain knowledge required on a java job is trivial and can be acquired in a few months?
Notice my example is a pricing system. Generally, the more math there is, the deeper the domain knowledge. In general, I feel there are 2 types of financial domain knowledge
* Math
* jargons

Jargons are numerous but not too bad. Perhaps up to 200 jargon terms. Nothing compared to what a medical student has to learn in 6 months.

Quantitative usually means math. Financial bookstores always have shelves for the math and the jargon.

## IV halo across domains #specific=better

See also —, [[ further improve ]], [[ towards an architect ]]. This halo list is not that rigorous, only a /sideshow/.

If you invest more than enough into …. say, java concurrency, you may grow an invisible little halo in the eyes of peers and interviewers. Other halos: google brank, microsoft brank, GS brank

  1. [a] lock free, CAS, statement reordering, membar, volatile^atomic
  2. conditionVar, spurious wake-up
  3. [a] read/write lock, tryLock, deadlock prevention
  4. [a] tail recursion
  5. sql tun` including EXPLAIN, hints, statistics,
  6. [a] hash table internals, red black tree
  7. [a] O(n) sorts
  8. [a] Morris

C++ specific:

  1. [ah] compile-time template meta-programming
  2. smart pointers used with factory, class field etc
  3. epoll,
  4. [h] reinterpret_cast

Java specific:

  1. jvm tun` including mem, GC, profilers
  2. thread pool usage and internals
  3. callable/future
  4. [h] remote debugging
  5. [h] reflection? not really seen as halo
  6. [h] JMX
  7. [a] concurrent skip list,


  • [a] tx isolation levels
  • solaris/linux tun` && capacity plann`@@ Rember the Solaris 10 seminar?
  • serialization

[a=academic, could be considered zbs, never really needed in GTD]
[h=hacky, powerful black magic, rather useful but often frowned upon]

what in addition to java^dotnet

Hi JunLi

A few days ago I said something like “enterprises application development usually choose between java and dotnet”. A few qualifications

* Where stored procedures are required (or clearly superior), then obviously java and dotnet must give way to the stored procedure language, such as pl/sql and Transact-SQL.

* Where shell/perl/python scripts are required (or clearly superior), then obviously java and dotnet must give way. However, most enterprise applications use less scripting languages than compiled languages.

* C++ is probably the third biggest language in enterprise app development. I have personally witnessed the important role of C++ in financial and telecom systems. I believe that in both financial and telecom, C++ offers somewhat better performance.

* Python was adopted by JPMC, BAML and Macquarie.

* PHP is increasingly chosen by enterprises such as facebook, yahoo, NBC-Universal and MTV.

By the way, software vendors and system programmers favor C more than java and dotnet. (JVM and the dotnet compilers were probably written in C), but our focus in this discussion is “enterprise app development” rather than platform/library/tool development.

accumulated domain xp fetching salary premium@@

Update: Sanjay in Stirt felt his domain xp should be protective but no. GTD was key in that team.

DaShan: Prior Domain experience may not translate into higher code quality or productivity on the next job, due to restrictions and important differences between systems.

salary depends on many factors like

– budget and company size
– relationship with the site owner
– urgency
– domain experience

When I first met DaShan, I felt he has some invisible upper hand as a developer with that domain experience. I felt that way because of the ignorance or “lack of domain knowledge”. Now I know that other people also see me with that Halo.

How about the high math of MSFM?