##xp staying-on after PIP, with dignity

  • +xp GS: informal, unofficial PIP, before I went to Kansas City for July 4th. After it, I stayed for close to a year.
  • +xp Stirt: I overcame the setback at end of 2014 and scored Meet/Meet albeit without a bonus.

Now I think it is possible to stay on with dignity, even pride. I didn’t do anything disgraceful.

I hope at my age now, I would grow older and wiser, less hyper-sensitive less vulnerable, more mellow more robust, or even more resilient.

That would be a key element of personal growth and enlightenment.

market data warehouse #lightning talk

I am not permitted to reveal identities. Let’s say we are talking about a financial institution. You can think of a bank, sovereign fund, insurer or asset manager.

  • total footprint ~ 2.5 PB = 2500 TB, in the original form as received from vendor, and is usually pre-compressed by vendor.
  • daily increment ~ 3 TB and growing
  • biggest subset is tick data, probably 800 TB. One vendor can require 0.5 TB/day after decompression.
  • Most common data dissemination (from vendor) is FTP. The new kid on the block is vendor API whereby clients can pull data from vendor.

— historical market data

This warehouse is for historical data. It can poll a vendor system every 5 minutes to receive latest data.

ICE RTS defines “real time market data” using a latency threshold of 30 minutes. Therefore, some data in this warehouse can be considered “near real time”.

— cloud:

Many vendors are on AWS i.e. provide an AWS dissemination interface, so this MDW is also moving to AWS.

If a vendor (Reuters?) is only on google cloud, then dissemination requires a AWS-Google bridge, but no good bridge as of 2020.

merge pre-processing loop into main loop@@ No

Q: can we remove pre-processing loop and merge its logic into the main loop?

No. My experience shows that it’s often a good practice to separate out that initial processing. After that initial loop, we have a checkpoint/milestone where we can use asserts and prints to verify a number of key assumptions or pre-conditions. This checkpoint can yield huge benefit in reduction of uncertainties.

This preprocessing step seems to introduce additional complexity but it’s not additional, but rather shifts some amount of complexities from the main loop out to the preprocessing loop.

This is similar to my long-time preference of shifting complex logic from main java app to DB (including stored proc) and to client-side such as java script.

Some people call it “separation of concern”. In this case, the job responsibility of the pre-processing loop is well-defined and easy to verify.

[20]OC-effective: overrated

Today on my jog along the Marina Promenade, I reminded myself that my parents gave me a good body and i have taken good care of it. that’s why I’m able to enjoy life to the fullest.

Then it occurred to me that those “effective” people (in the OC sense) usually don’t or can’t make the same claim. They are often overworked, overweight, overeating, lacking exercise. It’s rare to see one of them fit and slim (TYY might be).

Remember OC-effective is defined in the corporate context. Mostly corporate managers.

— OC-effective people are no more likely to be healthier than average. Their life expectancy is not longer. I actually believe health is wealth.

— OC-effective ≠ (Fuller) wealth or measured in Brbr. Many people are more wealthy but not MNC managers.

— OC-effective ≠ “effective with the team”, as in the SG sense. Sometimes it is largely inter-personal (with the boss) effectiveness.

— OC-effective is mostly theoretical and assessment can be very biased . Promotion is decided by upper management, so what team members feel doesn’t count. 360-review is marketing.

— OC-effective ≠ true leadership. We all know some lousy managers getting promoted (RTS, deMunk). However, I think many good leaders have OC-effectiveness. Listening is essential.

— OC-effective ≠ satisfaction with life. Grandpa often says these individuals 活得好累. They often have more stress due to heavy responsibilities.

— OC-effective = effective in that one organization and may not be in another organization. Consider Honglin. In contrast, hands-on developers like me possess more portable skills mostly in the form of IV.

— OC-effective ≠ adding social value. The corporation may not create lasting social value. OC-effectiveness means effective at helping the company reach its goals, regardless of value. In SG context, social value is rather important.

— We often say

  • My memory/eyesight/hearing/teeth/BMI is not so good
  • My stamina/fitness is not that good
  • My savings rate is not high
  • My marriage is not successful
  • My Chinse (or English or math) is not so good
  • I don’t have a great sense of humor

But why don’t we hear anyone saying something like … the things below? If I must take a shot at the reason, I would say the above qualities are unconditionally valuable, useful, life-enhancing, but in contrast the “achievements” below are less universally recognized.

  • “I’m not good at organizational effectiveness.”, in the OCBC sense.
  • “I’m not good at moving up.”
  • “I’m not good at meeting my manager’s key objectives” — key to moving up

MSOL zoom by mouse/touchpad/touchscreen

My home laptop screen resolution is such that zoom-in is required when reading outlook messages. How do I use keyboard to easily zoom in on a new message?

— touch screen two-finger pinch works, even though I disabled it in my laptop

— Ctrl + right-scrollUp is similar to the slider.

With an external mouse, this gesture is probably proven and reliable. With a touchpad, I relied on two-finger scroll:

Two-finger up-scroll + Ctrl does zoom in 🙂

— two-finger page scroll without Ctrl key : is unrelated to zooming

Windows gives us two choices. I chose “Down motion means scroll down”. Intuitively, the two-finger feels like holding the vertical scroll-bar on a webpage and in Initellj.

Note Intellij scroll is otherwise impossible with touch-screen or touchpad!