online solution2algoQ:I always try%%self1st #maxRectangle is the Nasdaq question. It includes a link to my solution in github. I came up with my own solution. Then I tried your solution found online. is another interview question. I tried my own and came up with a “better” solution.

If I don’t try my own solution, I would not learn a lot, and I would not have fun implementing my own idea (even if not optimal).

I also find it hard to absorb then remember clever solutions I found online, such as the maxRectangle.

Solving problems myself also grows my confidence when facing unfamiliar problems. I do read online solutions when I have no clue. confidence-build`: another reason y I don’t look at Leetcode answer

By the way, one advantage of my solution is — it can identify the missing numbers, all within O(N) time and O(1) space.
