[17]MS java threading IV#phone

See also https://bintanvictor.wordpress.com/2009/03/21/realtime-inter-vm-communication-in-front-desk-trading-sys/

These are in the QQ category i.e. skills required for QnA IV only.

Q1: 3 threads to print the numbers 1,2,3,4,5… in deterministic, serial order. Just like single-threaded.

Q1b: what if JVM A has T1, T2, and JVM B has T3? How do they coordinate?
%%A: in C++ shared memory is the fastest IPC solution for large data volume. For signaling, perhaps a semaphore or named pipe
%%A: I feel the mutex is probably an kernel object, accessible by multiple processes.

On Windows, mutex, wait handle, … are all accessible cross-process, but java (on Windows or unix) is designed differently and doen’t have these cross-process synchronization devices.

%%A: use a database table with one row one column. Database can notify a JVM.
AA: The java.nio.file package provides a file change notification API, called the Watch Service API. The registered JVM has a thread dedicated to watching.AA: in java, the JDK semaphore is NOT a wrapper of the operation system semaphore so not usable for IPC
A: java Semaphore? Probably not an IPC construct in java.

Q2: have you used any optimized Map implementations outside the JDK?

Q3: to benchmark your various threading solutions how do you remove the random effects of GC and JIT compilation?
%%A: allocate enough memory to avoid GC. Turn off JIT to compile every code path. Perhaps give the JVM some warm-up period to complete the JIT compilation before we start the benchmark.
