%% c# brain bench

Q: what modifiers are equivalent to static when defining a class? Perhaps a invalid question
Q: build a comparison lambda using expression tree. Will we use Binary.. or Boolean….?
Q: foreach on my custom class … will call which methods — MoveNext/Current or GetEnumerator()
Q: calling ToUpper() on a dynamic variable, where ToUpper is both an instance method and an extension method?
%%A: instance meth takes precedence. Ext method may not be found at all. But there are workarounds.

Q: benefit of compiling an expression tree?
Q: can I assign twice to an out parameter within Method1? I think there’s no restriction.
Q: how to p/invoke on a win32 DLL
Q: execution order between base ctor, my ctor, static ctor of a type used in my ctor
Q: GetType().ToString() on System.NotSupportedException shows “System….” ?
Q: linq group-by

Q: can Main() method take 0 parameter?
AA: yes

Q: in Main(), can I initialize a variable before passing it to a out parameter of Method1?
%%A: yes optional. Pre-initialize is compulsory for ref-params and optional for out-params. Consequently, the method is requried to
populate out-param (since pre-initlialize was possibly skipped) but not required for ref-params.

Q: which is a managed resource – file handle, memory stream, socket, windows handle, db conn?
A: socket

Q: throw; vs throw ex;
A: throw; is better — more complete stack trace. see stack overflow

Q: can you pass an anonymous delegate into Thread ctor?
A: quite common

Q: static readonly field – set in static ctor or declaration?
A: both
